Thursday, March 3, 2011

CHAZAQ - A Queens Community - Wide Purim Shmuz

The Shmuz and CHAZAQ present

A Queens Community - Wide Purim Shmuz 5771

This Tuesday Night, March 8th, 2011

By World Renowned Lecturer

R' Benzion Shafier LIVE!

Men and Women are Welcome. Admission is Free!

Refreshments will be Served at 8:00 pm.

Lecture Scheduled for 8:30pm.

Location: Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills

70-11 150th St. (Corner of 150th and 70th Rd.)

For More info call or text 917-617-3636

Email: or visit

Participating organizations: Vaad Harabonim of Queens, TorahAnytime, Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, The Shmuz, CHAZAQ, Light House, QJCC, Eshel Avraham, Emet

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