Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tisha B'Av Schedule at Beth Gavriel

CHAZAQ, EMET and TorahAnyime Present

Tisha B'Av Torah Marathon

at the Beth Gavriel Center

Monday, August 8th, 2011

8 PM = Arvit followed by R' Yossi Mizrachi "LIVE"

Tuesday, August 9th, 2011

8:30 AM = Shacharit (Sephardic Nussach)

10:15 AM = R' Israel Itshakov "LIVE"

11 AM = R' Zechariah Wallerstein Video

12 PM = Special Film

12:45 PM = R' Benzion Shafier "LIVE"

1:45 PM = R' Ilan Meirov "LIVE"

2:30 PM = R' Shimon Kessin "LIVE"

3:15 PM = R' Akiva Rutenberg "LIVE"

4 PM = R' Mordechai Kraft "LIVE"

4:45 PM = R' Meir Gavriel Elbaz "LIVE"

5:30 PM = R' Igal Haimoff "LIVE"

6:15 PM = R' Label Lam "LIVE"

Mincha 7 PM - Arvit 8 PM

Fast Ends 8:46 PM

Times & Speakers Subject to Change.

Location: Beth Gavriel Community Center

66 - 35 108th St. Forest Hills NY 11375

For More Info Please Call 917-617-3636

or Email


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