Thursday, April 26, 2012

R' Shlomo Zalman Bregman live!

CHAZAQ in conjunction with Beth Gavriel Present Renowned Lecturer R' Shlomo Zalman Bregman R' Shlomo Zalman Bregman is the Founder of the Jewish Executive Learning Network (, a organization dedicated to sharing the beauty of Torah study with young professional men in their 20's and 30's living in the New York City area. Over the past 15 years, Rabbi Bregman has helped thousands of individuals maximize their potential and attain greater fulfillment in all aspects of their lives through Jewish wisdom. His colorful background includes conducting medical research at Harvard, a stint on Capitol Hill, and serving as Campus Rabbi at Columbia University and the University of Miami. In addition to his work with the JELN, Rabbi Bregman currently manages his own law firm, specializing in Corporate Law, Litigation, and Trust & Estates. "Progress Isn't Always a Straight Line" "Do you often find yourself feeling spiritually inspired, only to find that you're rarely able to sustain that inspiration or translate it into tangible growth and improvement? Have you ever done a huge Mitzvah and a terrible Aviera ... both in the same day? If so, this Shiur is for you. We will explore Torah teachings and strategies for dealing with this common phenomenon. After all, progress isn't always a straight line!" Sunday Night, April 29th, 2012 Refreshments will be Served at 8:00 PM Lecture Scheduled for 8:30 PM Men & Women are Welcome! Admission is Free! Location: Beth Gavriel Community Center 66-35 108th St. Forest Hills NY 11375 For More Info Call 718-285-9132 or Email: Visit

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