Sunday, July 7, 2013

Rebbetzin Devorah Kigel, R' Haimoff, R' Lavian and R' Ben Chabib

The CHAZAQ Women's Division & EMET

in conjunction with Beth Gavriel Present


Rebbetzin Devorah Kigel

"The Torah approach to parenting: 
A balance of warmth & discipline"

Monday Night, July 8th, 2013

Lecture Scheduled for 8:45 PM

~ Refreshments will be Served ~

Admission is FREE! Ladies Only!

Location: Beth Gavriel Center

66 - 35 108th St. Forest Hills NY 11375

For more Info Call 646-541-6833

or Email


More this week at Beth Gavriel:


Monday Night
Married Men’s Class by
R’ Igal Haimoff
and Gemara Class by
R’ Yosef Ben Chabib


Wednesday Night 
Parsha Class by
R’ Binyamin Lavian


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