Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Rabbi Fishel Schachter live!

 Recently, the feelings of Achdus throughout our community and Klal Yisroel, have been greatly enhanced. 
Unfortunately, we were brought together in response to Tzaros. In an effort to perpetuate these feelings, without the need for Rachmei Shamayim, we will once again gather on Erev Rosh Chodesh to hear Divrei Chizuk and join in Tefillah B'Rabim, to keep this Achdus alive.


This Sunday Night, August 24, 2014 
for our 2nd Event 
Featuring World Renowned Lecturer
Rabbi Fishel Schachter
 Time - 8:15 PM

Opening Remarks by the Marah De’asrah Rav Peretz Steinberg Shlita

 Location:  Young Israel of Queens Valley
141-55 77th Ave, New York, NY 11367

 For more information call 718-285-9132
Or email


Co-Sponsored by CHAZAQ, Chickens for Shabbos and the QJCC


Lezecher Nishmas of Yehudis bas Yissochar Dov (25 Sivan) and Yehoshua ben Avraham (24 Shevat)

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