Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Night of Inspiration with R' Dovid Goldwasser and More!

Teshuva 2014

Inspiration for the High Holidays


 This Sunday Night, September 21, 2014

 for our Monthly Community-Wide Gathering

 Featuring World Renowned Lecturer

 Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

 Time - 8:30 PM

 Chinese Food will be Served!
(Special Thank you to Soy Sauce on Main St. for sponsoring)

 Opening Remarks by Rabbi Igal Haimoff

 Location:  Yeshiva Ohel Simcha
141-41 72nd Ave, Flushing, NY 11367

 For more information call 718-285-9132
Or email


 Co-Sponsored by CHAZAQ, Chickens for Shabbos and the QJCC


 Lezecher Nishmas of Yehudis bas Yissochar Dov (25 Sivan) and Yehoshua ben Avraham (24 Shevat)

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