Wednesday, March 23, 2016

N’shei Chazaq Women’s Division & Neshei Kehilas Ishei Yisrael Present Gila Manolson!

N’shei Chazaq Women’s Division & Neshei Kehilas Ishei Yisrael Present
Gila Manolson
Renowned author & lecturer from Yerushalayim
How to Have a Relationship with G-d

Monday, March 28, 2016
Program Beginning at 8 PM

Kehillas Ishei Yisrael
YCQ Multi-Purpose Room
70-10 150th Street
Flushing, NY 11367

For Women Only

L’iylui Nishmat R’ Shmuel ben Ze’ev, Shaindel Yocheved bat R’ Ya’akov Halevi, & Chaya Rachel bat Nachman Dovid

For More Information:

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