Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Community-Wide Event: Caring for our Parent, Caring for Ourselves

Caring for our Parent, Caring for Ourselves

This program will encourage and inspire caregivers facing the difficult challenge of caring for loved ones with serious illness – medically, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Learn from experts how to access the best care possible and maintain hope. Walk away with concrete information that will help you and your loved ones.

Martin A. Grossman, MD
Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein
David Frenkel
Ronald Fatoullah

Refreshments will be Served

Wednesday, June 15, 2016*7:30-9:00PM
Khal Nachlas Yitzchok
(R’ Oelbaum’s Shul)
141-39 73rd Avenue
Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11367

Event Sponsored by: MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care, UJA Federation of New York, Center for Jewish End of Life Care, & Chazaq

Event Dedicated in Memory of Slaza Roza Frenkel bat Yisroel
For More Information: 718-285-9132,,

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