Tuesday, October 10, 2017

CHAZAQ & HIDABROOT All Night Hoshana Rabbah Event


Proudly Present

TUESDAY October 10, 2017

All Night Hoshana Rabbah Event

R’ Ashie Schreier - 10:00 PM
“Hoshana Robbah: The Home Stretch, Finishing Strong”

R’ Paysach Krohn - 10:30 PM
“Setting our priorities”

R’ Benzion Klatzko - 11:15 PM
“Lighting in the Bottle: How to use the Simcha of Yom Tov 
When the Holiday is over”

R’ Dovid Goldwasser - 12:00 AM
“Tikun Hanefesh” through the eyes of the Zohar”

R’ Ilan Meirov - 1:00 AM
“Words of Inspiration”

R’ Yitzchok Feldheim - 2:00 AM
“Beat the Aravah and make it rain: 
the mysterious master key to wealth, nachat and shidduchim”

R’ Shalom Yona Weis 3:00 AM
“Hashem, please save us for what”

R’ Eliezer Zeytouneh- 4:15 AM
“ A Blessing on Your Head: The Final Message”
Young Isreal of Forest Hills
7100 Yellowstone Blvd
Forest Hills NY, 11367
14 Hours Live Streaming Available at:

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