Thursday, January 30, 2014

CHAZAQ - All GIRLS Taglit-Birthright Israel

Attention Ladies!

The CHAZAQ organization will be organizing an
ALL GIRLS Taglit-Birthright Israel
trip this summer 2014!

Eligibility requirements:

1.  Participants must be 18-26 years old and have graduated high school by the date of the trip's departure (you can be 17 when filling out the application)

2. Participants must not have been on a five-day or longer peer group educational program to Israel (Including seminary).
         *Exceptions to this rule are: the Maccabiah Games, March of the Living

3. Participants must not have lived in Israel since the age of 12 years old
        *If Participants have lived in Israel before the age of 12 you may need to provide additional official documentation to ensure you are eligible.

4. Participants must not be studying in a full time Jewish Studies Program

Trip dates to be announced!

Space is limited! To ensure your spot please get in touch with me as soon as possible!
Leora: 646-541-6833

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rebbetzin Gitty Margareten live!

Attention Women!

 The CHAZAQ Women's Division & EMET

 in conjunction with Beth Gavriel Present

A Two Part lecture serious with

Rebbetzin Gitty Margareten

Monday Night, February 3rd, 2014
“Bonding through Borders”


Monday Night, February 10th, 2014
“How to keep your most important relationships close”

Lectures Scheduled for 8:30 PM

~ Refreshments will be Served ~

Admission is FREE! Ladies Only!

Location: Beth Gavriel Center
66 - 35 108th St. Forest Hills NY 11375

For more Info Call 646-541-6833
or Email


Monday, January 27, 2014

R' Igal Haimoff live!

Spread the Word!

in conjunction with Beth Gavriel


Renowned Lecturer

R' Igal Haimoff


This Sunday Night, February 2nd, 2014

Sushi will be Served at 8:00 PM

Lecture Scheduled for 8:30 PM

Men & Women are Welcome! Admission is Free!

Location: Beth Gavriel Community Center

66 - 35 108th St. Forest Hills NY 11375

For More Info Call or Text 917-617-3636

or Email:


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Perl Abramowitz speaking for the CHAZAQ Women’s Division


The CHAZAQ Women’s Division & EMET

in conjunction with Beth Gavriel Present

the Renowned

Perl Abramowitz

Monday Night, Jan. 27th, 2014

Time - 8:30 PM

Refreshments will be served!

Admission is Free! ALL Ladies are Welcome!

Location: Beth Gavriel Center
66-35 108th St. Forest Hills, NY 11375

For more info call 646-541-6833

or Email

Monday, January 20, 2014

Rabbi Yehoshua Kurland live on "Dating and Marriage"

Spread the Word!!!

Sunday Night, January 26th, 2014

CHAZAQ Presents

Renowned Lecturer and Author

R' Yehoshua Kurland


"Dating and Marriage"

Refreshments will be Served at 8:00 PM

Lecture Scheduled for 8:30 PM

Men & Women are Welcome! Admission is Free!

Location: Beth Gavriel Community Center

66 - 35 108th St. Forest Hills NY 11375

For More Info Call or Text 917-617-3636

or Email:


Thursday, January 16, 2014


in conjunction with Beth Gavriel
Chevi Garfinkel Live!
“Strengthening our Emunah and Bitachon: The five point plan” 
Monday night, January 20th  2014
Refreshments at 8:15 PM
Lecture at 8:30 PM
Free Admission! Women Only!
Location: Beth Gavriel Center
66-35 108th St. Forest Hills, NY 11375
For more info call 646-541-6833

or Email

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

FILTERTHON Event - Protect yourself, your family and your future

Proudly Presents
 "וקדשתם היום ומחר"
Heed the call of the Gedolei Yisrael!

*fil∙ter∙thon – noun. A mass gathering of people who come together to install filters.

Bring your device and get protection on the spot by professional technicians offering FREE  assistance.

Protect yourself, your family and your future – we’re here to help.

Get the new cutting edge VCF filter ( designed specially for the frum community. Instant installation at the event. (YouTube filtering available for those who must have it.)
Filters for smartphones (iPhone, Android, BB) and regular phones.
Wi-Fi removal for laptops and phones.
- Advice and guidance on customizing a filter that will not compromise your business or personal needs.
Sunday, January 19th, 2014

From 5:00 PM till 10:00 PM

Beth Gavriel Center, 66-35 108th St. Forest Hills, NY 11375

For more information call 917-617-3636,
Email or

"והגבלת את העם סביב לאמר השמרו לכם"

A prerequisite to receiving the Torah is making a fence!

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Once a Movie Star....
NOW a Leading Rabbi!

CHAZAQ Presents

a Special Evening with a Man who once attracted thousands to the Movie theaters and now attracts thousands to the Torah way of life!

Rabbi Uri Zohar

Live in Queens!

This Tuesday Night, January 14th, 2014

Lecture Scheduled for 8:30 PM

Location: Yeshiva Ohel Simcha
141 - 41 72nd Ave, Flushing NY 11367

All Contributions will be going towards Lev L’Achim a major Kiruv organization in Israel.

Event dedicated for the Refuah Shlema of Rabbi Igal ben Yael

For more info Call: 917-617-3636, or


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

CHAZAQ Presents a Special Melave Malka with a Kumsitz

A Night of Inspiration – Not to be Missed

CHAZAQ Presents

This Saturday Night, January 11th, 2014 at 8:30PM

A Special Melave Malka

Motzei Shabbat Live for Men Only!

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Shmuel Klein

Pizza, Sushi, French Fries and Drinks!

Kumsitz by Kol Acheinu

Admission is Free!

Beth Gavriel Center
66-35 108th St. Forest Hills, NY 11375

For more info call 917-617-3636
Email or visit

Monday, January 6, 2014

DR. SHMUEL SHIELDS LIVE on "Nutrition and Your Child's School Performance"

Guard Your Health...


in conjunction with Beth Gavriel Present

a lecture on Health for Women by

Dr. Shmuel Shields, Ph.D.

Author of "L'Chaim: 18 Chapters to Live By"

"Nutrition and Your Child's School Performance"

All Women are Welcome! Admission is Free!

This Monday Night, Jan. 6th, 2014

Refreshments will be Served!

Lecture at 8:30 PM

Book sale & signing to follow the lecture

Location: Beth Gavriel Center

66 - 35 108th St. Forest Hills NY 11375

For More Info Call or Text 917-617-3636

Email or Visit: