About Us

Visit the official CHAZAQ Website at www.CHAZAQ.org 

CHAZAQ - Building a Stronger Future
CHAZAQ (חזק) is an organization which has but one goal in mind - to Build a Stronger Future. Based in Queens NY, and gradually expanding across the globe, CHAZAQ has inspired thousands of people through its various programs since its inception in the year 2006.

CHAZAQ Programs Include:
* Live Lectures / Events

* J Wave - Teens Division

* Family Magazine

* Weekly Publications (3 Languages)

* Women's Division

* Men's Division

* CHAZAQ Hotline

* CD and Pamphlet Distribution

* Shidduch Service

* Torah Libraries

* One-on-One Chavruta Program

* Children's Programs

* And Much More.....

"If it's a CHAZAQ Event then it is an Event you Don't Want to Miss!"

One of the highlights of the Queens Torah scene are CHAZAQ Events which take place throughout the calendar year. Hundreds of people from all Jewish backgrounds come to these wonderful gathering and simply go home inspired. Be it lecturers that offer beautiful insights on the upcoming holidays, preparing us for the ups and downs of marriage life, or helping us improve our character traits, CHAZAQ touches them all, assuring that every aspect of our lives are strengthened in the true Torah way.

J Wave - Teens Division
In a society where many youth are lacking proper direction, the CHAZAQ Teens division focuses on getting teens off the streets and into a safe environment. This program helps guide our youth to a future filled with success and prosperity. The care and concern the teachers have for the boy and girls is one that is more than just a teacher-student relationship. They are people who our youth can look up to as role models in a society where pear pressure veers them away from the proper path.

Women's Division
Realizing the need to focus on issues pertaining to women, the CHAZAQ Women's division was created. With lecturers and programs geared towards strengthening the Jewish home, hundreds of women have attended these CHAZAQ programs and are therefore better prepared to build a true Torah home.

Men's Division
Upon seeing the success of the women's division, a parallel men's division was created. "Importance of Torah study" and the "Keys to Holiness" are some of the topics focused upon at these CHAZAQ Programs which have attracted and inspired hundreds.

Men's Learning Program
What do guys do after a long day at school or a busy day at work???

While some may spend their time watching television or surfing the net, dozens of men spend their evenings wisely by attending a special Men's Learning Program which is under the guidance of CHAZAQ Director R' Ilan Meirov. Located at the Beth Gavriel Center in Queens, this program offers classes in English, Hebrew and Russian, and has become a spring board for many men to advance their learning skills and their overall understanding of Judaism.

One on One Chavruta Learning Program
Don't want to study in a large group all the time? No problem!

The CHAZAQ One on One Chavruta Learning Program allows people of all levels of Torah observance to Strengthen their learning skills with a qualified study partner focusing on topics of their personal interests.

CD Distribution
If you attend a CHAZAQ Event we want to make sure the Torah atmosphere continues even away from the Synagogue. Thus, CHAZAQ has distributed Thousands of Torah CD's Free of charge thereby allowing people to drive back home or simply relax while listening to fabulous Torah lectures.

CHAZAQ Torah Libraries
The CHAZAQ Torah Library offers hundreds of Torah CD's, DVD's, and CD-Rom's which include material for young and old alike thereby allowing people to use today's technology in a Torah true way.

Thousands of CHAZAQ publications circulate around the community on a weekly basis. With fascinating Torah insights in English, Hebrew and Russian, CHAZAQ offers a wide range of our community members beautiful insights to read in Shul or share at the Shabbat Table.

Shidduch Service
Need a Shidduch? With so many singles attending CHAZAQ programs, a Shidduch service was simply a Must. With a dedicated group of couples taking charge, the CHAZAQ Shidduch Service was formed. Just come to a CHAZAQ Event, meet the Shadchanim, fill out a basic form and if it is meant to be G-d will use us as a medium to make it Happen!

CHAZAQ Hotline
Want to hear a CHAZAQ Event over the phone? Just Dial: 718-906-6416, follow the basic instructions, and enjoy lectures of previous CHAZAQ Events