Saturday, November 28, 2009

CHAZAQ Publishes Commentary on the ‘Ben Ish Hai’

One Hundred years after the passing of Chacham Yosef Chaim, better known as the "Ben Ish Hai", CHAZAQ has proudly published a book on the Halachot (laws) of the Ben Ish Hai which provides sources, explanations, and insights to this holy work in a thorough yet precise fashion.

The book, currently available in Hebrew, is entitled "Pri Ilan" and is authored by CHAZAQ Director Rabbi Ilan Meirov. It has Haskamot (approbations) and Divrei Bracha (Blessings) from several of the greatest Torah sages of our time, including Hagaon Harav Ovadia Yosef shlit"a.

The first volume covers the laws of Tzitzit through Kaddish (Sefer Bereshit Shana Alef) and includes the Halachic decisions of leading Poskim of our generation thereby making it an all-encompassing guide to modern day halacha.

The book is available in many local Judaica stores or by calling Yosef at 646-250-9064 or Yaniv at 917-617-3636

To Sponsor future publications please call 718-440-2391 or Email:

For Photos of of Gedolei Yisrael receiving a copy of the book click on this link:

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