Tuesday, September 7, 2010

R' Yissocher Frand LIVE in Queens!

Spread the Word!

The Young Israel of Forest Hills and The Queens Jewish Center,

In Conjuction with CHAZAQ Present

R' Yissocher Frand

LIVE in Queens!

2nd Annual Teshuva Drasha

Monday, September 13, 2010 at 7:30 PM

We Gratefully acknowledge the generous sponsorship of the

Margaret Tietz Nursing & Rehab Center

Location: Queens Jewish Center
66-05 108th Street, Forest Hills NY 11375

Admission is Free!

For More Info Call: 917-617-3636, 718-459-8432 or 718-268-7100

Email: office@MyQJC.org or youngisraelfh@aol.com


Visit www.CHAZAQ.org

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