Monday, December 20, 2010

Dr. David Pelcovitz Live!

A Special Event for Parents with

Renowned Child Psychologist

Dr. David Pelcovitz

"Three Keys to having a Great relationship with your child!"

Saturday Night, December 25, 2010 at 8:00pm

Location: Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills

150-05 70th Road, Kew Gardens Hills

Admission is Free! Refreshments will be served.

Parking available across the street in the YCQ parking lot

Presented by PTACH:

The following community institutions have partnered

with Ptach to bring you this event:

Bais Yaakov Academy, Bnos Malka Academy

Yeshiva Har Torah, Yeshiva Ketanah of Queens

Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe, Yeshiva of Central Queens

Vaad HaRabbonim of Queens


the CHAZAQ Organization

From toddlers to teenagers and every age in between,

if you are a parent, this event is for you!

For more information call 718-854-8600

or email



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