Saturday, October 1, 2011

R' Benzion Shafier live!

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CHAZAQ & The Shmuz Present

The Annual Teshuva Shmuz

"Hashem waits for our Teshuvah!"

with R' Benzion Shafier

We know that Teshuvah (repentance) works. The Nivim (prophets) tell us over and over. Chazal (the sages) speak about it many, many times. We even have Yom Kippur, a day created for teshuvah. The question is why don't we make use of it? Why aren't we standing there on Yom Kippur, with tears flowing down our face, repenting, improving, ridding ourselves of a year's worth of iniquities? It isn't that we don't want to. It isn't even that we don't believe in it. So, what is blocking us? What is preventing us from using this fantastic gift? This shmuz focuses on the motivation to do teshuvah, and the different parts of the teshuvah process.

Men & Women are Welcome to Attend! Admission is Free!

Wednesday Night, October 5th, 2011

Lecture Scheduled for 8:30 PM

Location: Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills

7011 150th St, Flushing, NY 11367

Participating organizations: Young Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, The Shmuz, CHAZAQ, QJCC, Chickens for Shabbos, TorahAnytime, MTT and Caring Professionals.

For More Info Call 866-613-Torah


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