Thursday, November 24, 2011

Rav Yechiel Abuchatzeira live!

Tzadik Ba La'eer

Yad L'achim and CHAZAQ invites you to attend an unforgettable evening with

Rav Yechiel Abuchatzeira, shlita

Scion of the famous Abuchatzeira family whose blessings are sought by Jews around the world.

Harav Abuchatzeira is being flown in from Eretz Yisroel to grace us with his radiant presence. He will be available to advise on all matters and to offer personal blessings for shidduchim, shalom bayis, parnosah and refuah shleimah and all individual matters that are in urgent need of a yeshua.

This event is for men and women.

The evening will also feature riveting testimonies on Yad L'achim rescues of Jewish women and children from Arab villages. A dramatic film documenting a rescue will be shown.

The rescue from an Arab village to freedom through Yad L'achim.

The program will take place at the following location:

Yeshiva Ohel Simcha
141-41 72nd Ave. Flushing, NY 11367

Tuesday, November 29th 2011

Doors open 7:30pm. Program begins at 8pm sharp

Suggested donation: $10
For more information please call or email
Yad L'achim at 1-866-923-5224 or



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