Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bedekat Tolayim Shiur with R’ Natan Gadayev

Spread the Word!
in conjunction with Beth Gavriel

R’ Natan Gadayev

Sunday night, March 9, 2014

"Bedekat Tolayim Shiur (power point presentation)"

The following topics will be discussed

• Description of the most common insects that infest American fruit and vegetable produce (includes video presentation).
• The past versus the present what has changed. Why does is seem that there is more focus now on insects than ever before in past history?
• Relying on kashrut organizations to certify pre-checked vegetable produce.
• The Halachic debate of inspecting broccoli and strawberries.
• Defining the term Nir’eh l’Ayin- the requirement that a prohibited insect must be visible to the unaided eye.

In the end of the shiur will be a live demonstration on how to inspect for insects using a light box.

Lectures Scheduled for 8:30 PM

~ Refreshments will be Served ~

Admission is FREE! Men and Women Welcome!

Location: Beth Gavriel Center
66 - 35 108th St. Forest Hills NY 11375

For more Info Call 917-617-3636
or Email Info@CHAZAQ.org

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