Saturday, July 26, 2014

R' Mordechai Becher live!

Recently, the feelings of Achdus throughout our community and Klal Yisroel, have been greatly enhanced. 
Unfortunately, we were brought together in response to Tzaros. In an effort to perpetuate these feelings, without the need for Rachmei Shamayim, we hope to gather every Erev Rosh Chodesh to hear Divrei Chizuk and join in Tefillah B'Rabim, to keep this Achdus alive.
This Sunday Night, July 27, 2014 
for our 1st Event 
Featuring World Renowned Lecturer
R' Mordechai Becher
We will also be having the privilege to hear Divrei Chizuk from the roommate of Eyal Yifrach hy'd
 Time - 8:00 PM
 Location:  Congregation Toras Emes 
78-15 Parsons Boulevard, Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11366
 For more information call 718-285-9132
Or email
 Co-Sponsored: CHAZAQ, Chickens for Shabbos and QJCC

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