Wednesday, January 7, 2015

R' Dovid Fohrman live!

With much excitement, we are pleased to announce
that the renowned
R' Dovid Fohrman
will be speaking at
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel 
147-02 73rd Avenue, Flushing, NY 11367

This Monday night, January 12th at 8:15 pm

Presented by CHAZAQ and Midreshet Adina

His seforim reveal important answers to difficult questions in Tanach, in an amazingly lively and easy-to-read style.
After reading his works, you will look at these "stories"  with newly opened eyes and much deeper appreciation.

Men, Women, Students all invited
Admission is $10 per person

Any questions, please contact Leah Bleiberg at

Rabbi David Fohrman is the founder and CEO at Aleph Beta Academy. He is author of "The Beast that Crouches at the Door," finalist for the 2007 National Jewish Book Award, and "The Queen You Thought You Knew." Rabbi Fohrman seeks to open layers of meaning of Biblical text and to help the reader develop a relationship with the texts that make us who we are. For more of his work, see

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