Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Kaliver Rebbe coming for Chazaq!

Tzadik Ba La'eer

The Kaliver Rebbe 
will be visiting the Beth Gavriel Center
on Sunday, November 15, 2015
from 5:30pm-9:00pm

The Kalever Rebbe is world renowned for his inspiration, wisdom, advice and blessings for Chinuch Habanim, Shalom Bayis, Parnassa and all other pressing issues that we face today.
For the past 40 years, the Rebbe has met with people of all ages and denominations in over 60 countries. Hundreds of thousands have been uplifted and motivated by his advice and inspiration.
The Rebbe’s holy life-mission overrides his current physical limitations. The Rebbe will be seeing individuals and families listening to their requests and invoke Heavenly intervention and salvation.

Address: 66-35 108 St. Forest Hills, NY 11375
All are welcome to attend and meet with the Rebbe, including women and/or families
There will be no solicitation
 For more info call 718-285-9132
or Email Info@Chazaq.org

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