Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Community-Wide Event: Part II Chizuk for Women: Caring for our Parent, Caring for Ourselves!

Caring for Our Parents Caring for Ourselves

Chizuk Session for Women

This follow-up session will consist of three elements of support for those caring for their parents.

How to Find Meaning in Challenging Times
R’ Baruch Gubnitsky

Accessing Support through Volunteers & Visiting Programs
      Ivi Wakneen    

Planning for Difficult Times
Toby Weiss

Wednesday, June 22, 2016 * 7:30-8:30 PM

Khal Nachlas Yitzchok
(R’ Oelbaum’s Shul)
141-39 73rd Avenue
Kew Gardens Hills, NY 11367

Event Sponsored by: MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care, UJA Federation of New York, Center for Jewish End of Life Care, & Chazaq

For More Information: 718-285-9132, Info@Chazaq.org, www.CHAZAQ.org

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