Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Dr. Shmuel Shields, Weight Management Group for Men

Chazaq & Cong. Tikvas Israel Sholom

Present a Torah-Based Health and
Weight Management Group for Men

Monthly meetings led by
Dr. Shmuel Shields,
Nutritionist, Author of L'Chaim:
18 Chapters to Live By

Group discussions will focus
on meal-planning strategies
that can help you overcome
food addictions
and emotional eating

Next Meeting:
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
from 8:00- 9:00 PM

Location: Cong. Tikvas Israel Sholom
(Rav Spitalny zt"l's shul)
141-25 70th Ave.
Kew Gardens Hills, N.Y. 11367

Suggested Donation:
$10 per meeting

For more information
contact Dr. Shields
or call 718-544-4036

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